May 10th, 2022
Lucky Mr. Z. who got PR today! It took around 1 year , 4 Months slower than expected. Finally champaign to celebrate the success in such a yong age on a new platform for future development!
Feb. 10th, 2022
Permanent Residence Application Approved – Landing Paper – Complicated spouse sponsorship
Congratulations to Mr. Huang, who had been losing his status in Canada for more than 7 years, has got approved for PR !!!! This is a time consuming case which required a lot of supporting documents. Though it is a true love story, still there were some other previous marriage disturbance and obstacles etc. We had gone through it with the whole team’s support. Mr. Huang is extremely happy and he trust good hearted persons get good result. So does our company! Happy to see your baby coming out soon! Congratulations!
Positive Labor Market Opitions ( in BC and ON) were approved
Positive Labor Market Opitions ( in BC and ON) were approved for technician positions for interntional applicants! This had to be with both high cooperaiton froom both dedicated employers and professional RCIC. Documenations had been prepared for few months with all details clarified. Thanks to all! Congrtulations to those clients trusting us. It is you, that made all cases successful.
These positions would be facilitating all those applicants and then their families to settle down in Canada first, as skillworker, then PR, with all their kids benefiting from free education and good medical services in Canada. Good luck to you too!
Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents: Intake
45 Days!!! It took 45 days for us to help client get the PR ! Congratulations to Mr. Chen from Hongkong! Landing paper issued!
Congratulations to four spouse sponsorship applicants! All received file number in same month!! Cheers!
Agriculture – Farm – LMIA approved
After months of preparation on one of the largest farms in Canada, the LMIA ( Labor Market Impact Assessment) got positive opinion within 3 weeks! All the assessment reports were approved with high satisfaction. The next steps are for foreign workers to submit their application for work permits in Visa Offices. Congratulations to Mr. P. !
LMIA approved in 3 days!! – Meat Processing
Application was made on Oct. 30; the employer was asked to prepare for any phone interview afterwards ( by us) . However, it was approved in only 3 days, saying only ONE business day!! We trust that the quality of the documents count!!! WE MIND YOUR CASE! Cheers to Boss Sun! Now the Positive Labor market opinion is here to serve !!! WISHING YOU GOOD BUSINESS DURING COVID !!!
57-year old mother got approved in Study Permit
Congratulations to Ms. W!! The processing time was around 1.5 months only. No more tuition fee for your two children’s full time study in high school now! That is CAD 31000/ year for 6 years!! You saved a lot! Wishing you the best in achieving what you want in local college! Best wishes!
ONPNP – Ontario PNP -Approval !
With the strong team work, we had been waiting in front of computers since 6:00 AM to grab the spots!!! All documents had been submitted within 14 days time frame and , within 1 month, case was approved!! ( without any further inquiries from PNP Office.) Congratulations to the Zhao’s family of three! We are moving forwards to PR application stage! We could not go without cooperative clients- thank you to Mr. Zhao for your persistent attitude in cooperating with our team esp. in submitting documents to us within a short time frame! You deserve it!
Parent/ grandparents category – approved , telephone landing!
Congratulations to the cases under Parent/ grandparents category! It took around 1 year to close all cases up till June 2020. During the COVID-19, the processing is more flexible and landing was made through telephone!! It is called ” Telephone Landing” in 2020!! Cheers to Ms. Chen and Mr. Li!
Congratulations to Ms. LXX, who had got the study permit which facilitate the whole family to live in Canada with medicare care and his husband working legally. We look forwards to his talent being transferred to local labor market and they could get PR soon!! Cheers!
Family Reunion- Ms.L. got PR today via family reunion scheme
This is not a simple reunion case. Can Boad team had been working on the preparation stage for 5 months before submitting the case. After 8 months of processing, a lot of back and forth between IRCC and applicant. With professionalism, patience and care, Can Board team thrived to achieve success and today came the notice for ORIGINAL PASSPORT SUBMISSION TO VISA OFFICE OVERSEAS. Congratulations to the family !
Saskatwan PNP Successful case – Ms. Shao family
Famous big company in the industry is thankful to Can Board team in succesffully applying for work permit and PR application file for the Key person from home country. With the essencial skills and knowledge tranfered to local industry, the candidate deserves the work permit and the PR! Cheers to the whole FAMILY OF FOUR!!! They would land in Canada in March 2020!!!
Yeung family ‘s settlement in Toronto
Family of three landed yesterday in Toronto with full settlement. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Yeung, who had well got good offer from local school and the daughter loves the Canadian education! We had been preparing for around 9 months for all the planning and local adaptation for the whole family. The last stage was the most challenging part but still Can Board team tackled it in a timely manner and they made it!
Tons of cheers to the two children who are acocmpanying and would smoothly transit to local public school in Grade 9 and 10. All communication and settlment plans had been made for you without any worry. Welcome to SK! Welcome to Canada !
Congratulations to father L. sponsoring two children into Canada and the file number come out today!!! Cheers!
Congratulations to Ms. S who got Saskatwan PNP nomination!!! Let us look forwards to PR stage! Cheers!
The new BC PNP investment program in towns is set to open soon. Our clients had been planning for several business trips in BC. The upcoming information session is on Feb. 28, 2019. We should post more updates by then.
We are excited to applauds to Mr. Zou for another achievement in getting two offers with two legal permits for the two children! He made it! Cheers!
We got two spouse sponsorship applicaitonaproval this month and congratulations to Ms. Mah from Malaysia and Mr. Zhang from Shanghai!!
Congratulations to Mr. Zou from Venezuella for your permit approval ! !
This month, we are welcoming around 20 students to Public Education Institutions in BC. Welcome those students and their accompanying parents!!
We could not believe that we got approved ! My daughter and me just landed Vancouver! We loved the blue sky and good air here!! We like the education here!! The next step is to get Permanent residence card!!
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Zhang and their little new born baby! It took only 3 months to get the PR application approved via the Express Entry BCPNP Scheme! The original passports had been just mailed out to Ottawa and waiting for the immigration Visa!!!
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chan who had landed Vancouver on time, just one month beofre the new born baby !! Thanks to the urgent processing team!!
Mr. Huang just got the PNP Certificate from China! Thanks to Can Board and their teams! We would land a little bit earlier this time to plan our kid’s study in local public school! Everything comes so fast and we are feeling extremely excited and overwhelmed! The time schedule is a little bit ahead of my original plan but my wife loves it! WE WISH CAN BOARD ALL THE BEST IN THE NEW YEAR!!
Mr. Huang ( General Manager )
Shanghai XXX Component Co., Ltd.
Our success comes from good cooperation partners! Thanks for your sweet presents in such a warm Christmas!
委内瑞拉的经济2015年开始至今都不如意,我们全家的资产也缩水了一半。两个超市都差不多了,来到加拿大也是缘分… 碰到了黎小姐也算是唯一的安慰. 而真正能办下来也是出乎我们的意料!!
2017年8月份到步,希望九月份马上开学,怎么辛苦也让孩子留下来,将来在本地拿身份。 在大温跑了一圈,都被忽悠得头都晕了。 感谢好朋友的有心介绍。接下来就是我们两夫妻怎样拿工作签证和办理移民了。很感激很感激!!
2017- 11- 16
中国美术学院高才生 — 全国第二名优等生
跟着妈妈来到温哥华,本来是中国美术学院的全国录取的前三名优等生, 兜兜专专两年都不知到在干什么!!!看着同学们许多都在国内飞上枝头变凤凰,我都差点抑郁了 !!!正在无所适从时, 找到了加博, 让我少走许多语言学习的弯路,直接入读了如今的专业!!
很快明年我就可以毕业拿工作签证,有望拿省提名直接转永久居民了。 时间飞逝, 但是如果选错了一步, 将是无限的痛苦和挣扎。或许我就要真的回国了。我要真诚地感谢您们!!
还有您们每次的巧克力和水果都很好吃! 呵呵!
中国美术学院高才生 — 全国第二名优等生
- 苏生毫无出国记录,护照空白,普通广州工薪阶层,偕两孖仔同时在6月7日获取学生签证和陪读签证。 孖仔今年幼儿园毕业,刚好能赶上北美高品质的幼儿园教育。太太继续留在中国拿取高薪,先生先行陪孩子入读;接下来我们会计划他们的爷爷奶奶陪读,让苏先生全家能在2~3年内取得永久居民身份。
4月份, 刚接到这个案件的时候,温哥华教育局的报名名额已经满了,而且苏生的财务文件不是很令人满意,房产证未到手,唯一的房产又已出售; 而全家的出国历史,更是空白的; 我们的顾问建议苏生全家先行到其他小国家旅行下,但迫于工作,未能如愿。案件就这样扔给了我们的专业团队。
另外,为了税务上能让这一家四口避免不必要的开销,我们也作出了相应的建议,我们不能违反当地的税例,但我们可以合理避税。 这点在许多投资移民身上看到更多满意的评价。
2017 年2 月
佛山单亲妈妈拒签三次 加博助其携两幼女同时登陆
佛山单亲妈妈38岁,两幼女分别10 岁和4岁,在找到加博前,已申请了两次旅游签证和学生签证,均以失败告终。察看档案后发现拒签理由各异。加博研究了客人档案一周后,发现原来的申请做得太过标准,毫无亮点, 文件格式参差,论点不清晰,被拒是肯定的。顾问团队与单亲妈妈来回50 多次电话最终把所有的“结“都揭开了。 “ 文件做下来厚厚一叠感觉在做投资移民! 你们太细心了!! 真的很感谢!!!” 目前女士已登陆两年多,孩子正在双语学校读书,“不想让孩子忘记了中文。但孩子英文已经非常溜了!感恩加博移民! ”
Feb. 2017
终于收到移民部的移民邀请!差不多递交完毕了·Can Board 服务真周到,呵呵!我的无犯罪纪录和指纹纪录都直接在他们办公室一步到位做的!超省心,赞一个!要上班了,下次再来写评论!
Jenny W. ( 曾服务于加拿大皇家银行,目前在温哥华会计师楼就职)
2017-01 月
我们来自中国沈阳,孩子在加拿大读大学。但是之前随便找国内的移民公司办了个十年多次往返的加拿大签证,给拒了!!!!!! 不可思议!没办法下只能向女儿求救。Jessica 再三查了我们档案后终于接受我们的再次申请!准备工作做的太详细了,感觉之前的移民公司怎么都没向我们要这些资料呢???? 递交后却出奇的快! 前后一周就批了! 一周啊!!!我们的农历新年过得太兴奋了!!!!!感谢Can Board 的Jessica !!!!! 想念我们的乖女儿!!!!!!!
沈阳 -元氏
2016 年 5 月
拒签两次 加博团队一周半拿下签证
某高中生就读于山东某高中,成绩一般, 真正身份是加拿大父亲的私生女,与亲生母亲一起居住。 学校有配套的留学移民申请服务,他们就去申请了。结果连拒两次。均以“ 移民倾向”理由书面拒签。后来在朋友的强烈推荐下,他们找到我们。
接手解决棘手拒签案例是加博的强项,也是彰显实力之处。 签订合同后,马上进行调档查询,分析案例,察看历史记录,拒签的法律条款依据, 再向客人索取更深更广的资料,让整个申请做的面面俱到,娓娓道来。 前后准备时间 一个月!!1周半签证下来!
Feb. 2017
I finally got ITA from IRCC and almost got all the materials submitted to on line file today! The service from Can Board is so ” tailor made” that I even could do Police Record with finger prints checked in their office! Marvellous!! Love it! Time to go back to work!! Cheers!
Jenny W. ( used to be working @ RBC Vancouver, later CGA Firm )
Jan. 2017
We came from Shenyang, China. Our daughter is studying full time in Canada. We had applied for ten-year multiple visitor visa to Canada with no worries! However, the domestic immigration company in mainland China did make it rejected!!!! We did not understand and had to tell this to our daughter who actually had a lot of friends being Can Board’s clients and thus she recommended us to her.
After the initial investigation into the case, she finally accepted our case.
What a time costing preparation process it was! We just wondered why the previous agent did not ask us any questions or information about that??? We submitted the whole case in middle Jan. 2017 and got APPROVED WITHIN 1 WEEK!!!!! That was a big present for our Lunar Chinese New Year!!! Horrey! We miss our daughter!!
Gan Xie!!!
Yuan’s Family @ Shenyang , China
Dec 22, 2016
I lived in Vancouver and wanted to sponsor my husband this summer. Later I hesitated to submit application by myself and with friends’ referral I came Can Board, who helped us submitting application early this month and surprisingly …. we got first stage approved today!!! That means within 3 weeks!!! How this could happen??? Thanks Can Board for the care to each details we submit and your over time in each night for our urgent case! Love you!
Michelle Li ( Shanghai/ PR of Canada )
Dec. 15 , 2016
Spouse Sponsorship application for us is kind of an urgent request from family and we need to come back to Canada soon after my wife get PR with my undergoing sponsorship. We plan to get all this done within 1 year to the utmost. We signed contract with Can Board and later all the forms in Oct. 2016. Later in one month, we got the eligibility approval and later this week we got the PR application confirmation! Amazing! We now totally understood why Can Board asked us for so many details and took so long a time for preparation and ….. and wrote us so long a cover letter in application……. They know what would be in future! Amazing! My wife might get PR approved in the coming two months! That means, we made it in six months!! Thanks Can Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin P. ( Hongkong/ Canadian Citizen)
July 19, 2016
Successful Student Visa approved in Two weeks and a half, after two times refusal before down by one agent in China!!
I had been studying in private school in Guangdong province with bad English and since I had relative in Vancouver and I had applied twice to study in local Vancouver High School, by one agent in China. However, I got totally rejected. Then in March 2016 , my relative in Vancouver went to find Can Board Jessica and she was so strict in filtering out my materials and doing preparation, before submitting the application. We spent around 2 months in preparation but it took only 2 and half week to get the study permit!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD NOT BELIEVE THAT IT TOOK ONLY TWO AND HALF WEEK!!!!!
THANKS TO JESSICA!! I am entering Vancouver in the coming August and just want to fly to her office to say Thank you !!!
-Z.C. Liang ( Guangdong Province, China )
BC PNP -Express Entry 2015~2016
I got my landing paper today on April 5th, 2016 , 11 months after I met Jessica, who saved my case! I got my PR status within 11 months!!! Thank you!!!!
I graduated from Accounting Major with Honour Bachelor in Commerce in 2013 and got my work permit after that. However, I could not find any suitable and trust worthy consultant till the very end of the second year. When I saw Jessica in Can Board, there were only 20 days for me to prepare all documents for BC PNP – International Scheme and the worst is, that I DID NOT HAVE MY IELTS done yet!! I thought the chance is going to be little and I needed to prepare to go back to China to take over my father’s business and I would never have any chance in immigration. However, she just turned things with magical hands and made my whole file well done to be submitted on May 20th, 2015 which was only 2 days before the expiration of two years time after graduation! She made it!!!!!!!!! I remembered I was told to take the air flight from Vancouver to Toronto on the other day of the contract signing , for the IELTS testing and we managed to get the result in 8 days ( rather than 14 days) and then she successfully put me IN !!! I was shocked and could not believe that. Any way, after the submitting, they followed up the case almost every week to keep me updated and reminded me of my legal status in Canada etc. I felt so much overwhelmed and how to say, I promise I would recommend every students in SFU to go to Can Board! You would never regret!
Crystal G. — Graduate from Simon Fraiser University, BC with Honor Bachelor Degree in Commerce
— Working on CGA license now
We signed the contract early in Feb. 2016 during the Chinese new year time. Throwing all the required materials to the consultant, we went away for busy life while my wife taking care of the baby and me going back to work in Translink system. Our parents were living in one of the sensitive regions that most of the applicants got rejected due to their immigration intention and we were worried after submitting. We got so surprise to get the Super Visa approved within 5 weeks! Now our parents are with us in Vancouver in March! I would surely introduce Can Board Jessica to other friends in my company!
– Victor L. @ Translink Company BC Province in Vancouver ( Victor L. @卑诗省Translink 交通集团公司)
I owned a famous restaurant in East Vancouver , BC. However, due to the busy life in the past 30 years, I almost forgot I needed to have a PR card, until one day I needed to go for a business trip to New Zealand! No one accepted my case since I did not have any required documents on hand. I even did not have passport and landing paper! Thanks to my good friend who introduced Can Board Jessica to me, she rescued me!! The six months’ processing time is long but full of problems and challenge to tackle and it required plenty of patience. I myself just wanted to give up but Jessica insisted in getting the PR card to me and she made it!!!!! She made it!!!!!!! Thanks so much !!!
– Mr. Hou @ New Zealand now for Fish business ( 侯先生@新西兰海鲜生意)
I would love to say– Jessica, I love you! Tons of thanks to your care and love in my CEC case submitted in 2013 and later I got approved in 2014. I graduated from University of Toronto with Honor Bachelor Degreeand later I got my professional license in Medical Lab Tech. With my PR card on hand now, I was firmly convinced by heir professionalism, efficiency and project solution skills. I still remember the CIC at that time challenged my case in an abnormal way. I was disappointed that my case was going to lose. However, Jessica carried on her professional work in her regular persistent and firm attitude during the final stage of communication with CIC officer and finally, I got approved!!! I got my landing paper and PR card in 2014!!!!! Thank you Jessica and thank you Can Board!!!!!! I would surely recommend my schoolmates in UT to you!!! Ruby T. @ Dr. Henry X Medical Clinic in Richmond Hill , Ontario
– Ruby T. @ 多伦多列治文山Henry X 医生医务诊所
I had my student visa rejected in Canada and then back in Hongkong visa office for three times, three times!! I got frustrated and disappointed till I came to Jessica. She required so much details from me that the file was done perfectly! I got my study permit within 5 weeks! Thank you so much Jessica
– Eddie K. ( Hongkong ) @ Centennial College , Toronto