Skill Worker/ Work Permit

Skill Worker Immigration :

  1. Express Entry Skill Worker Immigration by Federal Skill Worker Scheme / Canadian Experience Scheme / Skill Trade

      2. Express Entry Skill Worker Immigration by LMIA: 

      Intra-company transferees may apply for work permits under the general provision if they

  • are currently employed by a multi-national company and seeking entry to work in a parent, a subsidiary, a branch, or an affiliate of that enterprise;
  • are transferring to an enterprise that has a qualifying relationship with the enterprise in which they are currently employed, and will be undertaking employment at a legitimate and continuing establishment of that company (where 18–24 months can be used as a reasonable minimum guideline);
  • are being transferred to a position in an executive, senior managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity;
  • have been employed continuously (via payroll or by contract directly with the company), by the company that plans to transfer them outside Canada in a similar full-time position (not accumulated part-time) for at least one year in the three-year period immediately preceding the date of initial application. Extensions may be granted up to the five- and seven-year maximums referred to in the section Breaks, recaptured time and duration of work permit limit below and in the section on the categories of work with validity periods which may not be exceeded. Documented time spent outside Canada during the duration of the work permit can be “recaptured” to allow the intra-company transferee five or seven full years of physical presence in Canada.
  • A C11 Entrepreneur work permit: This covers sole or majority Canadian business owners. C11 permits tend to be an ideal route for owners of seasonal businesses. As per subsection 22(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, applicants who have a dual intent to seek status as temporary workers and then eventually as permanent residents must satisfy the officer that they have the ability and willingness to leave Canada at the end of the temporary period authorized under section 183 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that they will have the incentive to depart Canada when their work is complete (e.g., operation of a rib stand at a festival) or the business closes.
  • Owner-Operator LMO-based work permit: for minority owners who wish to pay an active, key role in the day-to-day running of the Canadian business. This will involve an LMO (Labour Market Opinion) which is issued by the government.

3. All Provincial Nominee SKILL WORKER Programs ( Please refer to “PNP” category for more details in big icon.

  1.  British Columbia   –
  2. Alberta -
  3. P.E.I. -
  4. YUKON  -