
Updated on Nov. 22nd, 2023     2023 11 月新出炉-省提名优先录取名额,抢名额开始

BC PNP High Demand Occupation List 2023

Priority construction occupations:   -建筑行业!

22114 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists
72102 Sheet metal workers
72103 Boilermakers
72104 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
72105 Ironworkers
72106 Welders and related machine operators
72200 Electricians (except industrial and power system)
72201 Industrial electricians
72300 Plumbers
72301 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
72302 Gas fitters
72310 Carpenters
72311 Cabinetmakers
72320 Bricklayers
72400 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
72401 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
72402 Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
72500 Crane operators
73100 Concrete finishers
73101 Tilesetters
73102 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
73110 Roofers and shinglers
73111 Glaziers
73112 Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
73113 Floor covering installers

Priority healthcare occupations:   医疗保健行业

30010 Managers in health care
31100 Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101 Specialists in surgery
31102 General practitioners and family physicians
31110 Dentists
31112 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31120 Pharmacists
31121 Dietitians and nutritionists
31200 Psychologists
31201 Chiropractors
31202 Physiotherapists
31203 Occupational therapists
31204 Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300 Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302 Nurse practitioners
31303 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101 Licensed practical nurses
32102 Paramedical occupations
32103 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32110 Denturists
32111 Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32112 Dental technologists and technicians
32120 Medical laboratory technologists
32121 Medical radiation technologists
32122 Medical sonographers
32123 Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists
32124 Pharmacy technicians
32129 Other medical technologists and technicians
32200 Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
33100 Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
33101 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations
33102 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
33103 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
41300 Social workers
41301 Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
42201 Social and community service workers

*For the purposes of the BC PNP, only health care assistants / health care aides are eligible under NOC 33102.

Occupations listed here are not the only ones eligible for the BC PNP.  Priority occupations may receive a targeted invitation once a registration is submitted.



Priority technology occupations:  通讯技术行业

10030 Telecommunication carriers managers
20012 Computer and information systems managers
21100 Physicists and astronomers
21210 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
21211 Data scientists
21220 Cybersecurity specialists
21221 Business systems specialists
21222 Information systems specialists
21223 Database analysts and data administrators
21230 Computer systems developers and programmers
21231 Software engineers and designers
21232 Software developers and programmers
21233 Web designers
21234 Web developers and programmers
21300 Civil engineers
21301 Mechanical engineers
21310 Electrical and electronics engineers
21311 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
21320 Chemical engineers
21399 Other professional engineers
22110 Biological technologists and technicians
22220 Computer network and web technicians
22221 User support technicians
22222 Information systems testing technicians
22310 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
22312 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
50011 Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
51111 Authors and writers (except technical)
51112 Technical writers
51120 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
52119 Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52112 Broadcast technicians
52113 Audio and video recording technicians
52120 Graphic designers and illustrators
53111 Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators



Veterinary care   兽医行业

Workers with job offers in one of the following occupations may benefit from targeted invitations to apply.

Priority veterinary care occupations:

31103 Veterinarians
32104 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians

UPDATED ON March 22nd, 2022


New Prioritized occupation list as follows: (Do remember there are some new health care related occupations added.) 






加拿大BC省(温哥华所在省份)移民局宣布了一个新的BC企业家投资移民项目——Regional Pilot!该项目细则将于12月公布,并且于2019年年初开始实施。

BC省很多小社区正面临着人口老龄化、经济发展缓慢、年轻劳动力流失等问题,BC省府、省提名办联合众多小型社区,联手推出了Regional Pilot试点项目,目的是通过该项目在小型社区建立商业区,吸引年轻人的到来,拉动当地经济并减缓当地老龄化问题。该项目目前公布试点时间为两年,详情于2018年在12月发布,并在2019年年初开放申请。该项目仅适用于创建新生意的投资者。
4、语言要求至少CLB 4
(1) 过往五年至少三年的企业主经营管理经验
(2) 过往五年至少四年的高级管理经验
(3) 过往五年至少一年的企业主经营管理经验+两年高级管理经验
2. 能得到商业所开展社区的支持
3. 在商业开展后12个月便可以递交经营报告

BC 省提名项目 --高级/中级/ 半低技术工种 (类别) 

BC 省提名项目尤其受刚毕业工作一年后的留学生欢迎。公司最快案例是11个月取得登陆纸。新推出的省提名计分机制加大了留学生转移民的难度,但没有减低公司此类案件的数量及成功率。欢迎垂电。详细计分标准,请见下表:

1. 接受了工作聘书,并且已全职工作,职业属于国家分类类表O,A,B. (硕士/博士毕业生类除外)
2. 必须胜任你的工作职责。 BC PNP 根据NOC、Work BC、职业标准来分类职业。
3. 雇佣所显示的薪资必须同BC省类似职业有竞争性,需符合市场情况。
4. NOC B,C,D, 语言成绩必须达到 CLB level 4。
5. 证明薪酬在最低生活标准以上。年终分红、绩效提成、利润分成、小费、住房津贴、加班费或者其他类似的额外收入不算入薪资内。年工资计算每个星期最多40个小时。
6. 作为股东,不允许拥有该公司超过10%的股份。
7. 雇主雇佣员工后应该能够给BC省的经济发展有利而不会带来不利影响。

8. 雇主不能对劳工争议机制带来不利影响,或者雇员涉及此类纠纷,或不利影响的培训,或对加拿大公民或永久居民的就业机会造成影响。
9. 若被邀请加入需支付550加币的申请费。
10. 现阶段在加拿大有合法的身份。

BC PNP 省提名技术移民(Skills Immigration categories):
技术类(Skilled Worker):
1. 同一工种最低拥有2年的工作经验。
2. 雇主给出的全职邀请函上的薪酬必须符合行业标准。给出详细招聘过程信息。
3. 必须达到当地最低财务生活水平要求。
4. 满足最低语言要求,NOC B、C、D, 最低达到 CLB level 4。
医护人员类(Health care professional):
1. 公共卫生局愿意担保或提供有资格申请移民的全职资格.
2. 同一工种最低拥有2年的工作经验。
3. 雇主给出的全职邀请函上的薪酬必须符合行业标准。给出详细招聘过程信息。
4. 必须达到当地最低财务生活水平要求。
5. 满足最低语言要求,NOC B、C、D, 最低达到 CLB level 4。
国际学生毕业生类(International Graduate):
1. 学历证明 (最后一科成绩出来的2年内申请BC PNP);私立机构的文凭 以及 远程教育 不接受。
2. 同一工种最低拥有2年的工作经验。
3. 雇主给出的全职邀请函上的薪酬必须符合行业标准。给出详细招聘过程信息。
4. 必须达到当地最低财务生活水平要求。
5. 满足最低语言要求,NOC B、C、D, 最低达到 CLB level 4。
硕士/博士毕业生类(International Post-Graduate):
1. 2年内从BC省获得的硕士或博士学位证明,专业必须是自然、应用或健康科学之类;
2. 远程教育不接受 而且需要在最后一科成绩出来的2年内申请;
3. 证明会留在BC省的意向;

低技术类(Entry Level & Semi-Skilled Worker):
1. 职业属于BC省的 旅游业、长途卡车或食品加工工业 或者NOC C、D类职业在省部东北区域;
2. 申请之前必须为雇主全职工作最低9个月;
3. 雇主给出的全职邀请函上的薪酬必须符合行业标准。给出详细招聘过程信息。
4. 必须达到当地最低财务生活水平要求。
5. 满足教育水平要求。
6. 满足最低语言要求,NOC B、C、D, 最低达到 CLB level 4。





1. 学历要求低(高中毕业即可)

2. 英文要求低 (基本英文能力)

3. 工作经验要求低 (9个月的工作经验)

4. 申请周期短 (3个月拿到省提名证书)

5. 在9-12个月内拿到枫叶卡



















①战略职业类 a) 低技术工作移民(Entry Level and Semi-Skilled) b) 国际研究生移民(International Post-Graduates project,IPG)




BC省地处加拿大富藏能源的东北地区,各行业蓬勃发展,极度缺乏与能源相关产业的人才。为解决该地区各行业人才短缺问题,BC省政府省长办公室建议省移民局协助东北地区发展,在省提名项目项目中设立单独的项目,以吸引相关人才移民到BC省工作、学习、安居乐业,BC省政府于2012年4月起在省提名项目计划下,新设立为期两年的“东北试行计划”:此项目是设在省提名项目计划下的“策略职业类(Strategic Occupations Stream)”类别下的“中低技术移民类(Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled(ELSS)Category)”中的一个特殊类别,要求申请人的职业受限于NOC职业列表中C、D类别的150个职业,或从事矿工、重型机械设备操作员、销售员等工作,此外必须居住在BC省的东北地区且是全职工作。

Scoring Sections Maximum Points
Economic Factors (120) Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer 60
Wage of the B.C. Job Offer 50
Regional District of Employment 10
Human Capital Factors (80) Directly Related Work Experience 25
Highest Level of Education 25
Language 30
Total Points Available 200

1) 职位技能

Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer Points
NOC Skill Level A (including Skill Type 0) 25
NOC Skill Level B 10
NOC Skill Level C 5
NOC Skill Level D 5
Bonus points:
Occupation is a “00” NOC 15
Occuption identified in the Top 100 occupations in the BC Labour Market Outlook 2014-2024 10
Currently working in B.C. for the employer in occupation identified in the BC PNP registration 10
Maximum Score Available 60


Annual Wage of the B.C. Job Offer Points
$100000 and above 50
$97,500 to $99999 38
$95000 to $97499 37
$92500 to $94999 36
$90000 to $92499 35
$87500 to $89999 34
$85000 to $87499 33
$82500 to $84999 32
$80000 to $82499 31
$77500 to $79999 30
$75000 to $77499 29
$72500 to $74999 28
$70000 to $72499 27
$67500 to $69999 26
$65000 to $67499 25
$62500 to $64999 24
$60000 to $62499 23
$57500 to $59999 22
$55000 to $57499 21
$52500 to $54999 20
$50000 to $52499 19
$47500 to $49999 18
$45000 to $49999 17
$42500 to $44999 16
$40000 to $42499 15
$39750 to $39999 14
$37500 to $38749 13
$36250 to $37499 12
$35000 to $36249 11
$33750 to $34999 10
$32500 to $33749 9
$31250 to $32499 8
$30000 to $31249 7
$28750 to $29999 6
$27500 to $29749 5
$26250 to $27499 4
$25000 to $26249 3
Less than $25000 0
Maximum Score Available 50

3) 工作区域

Regional District of Employment Points
Stikine, Central Coast, Northern Rockies, Mount Waddington, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, Powell River, Sunshine Coast, Kootenay-Boundary, Alberni-Clayoquot 10
Kitimat-Stikine, Bulkley-Nechako, Squamish-Lilooet, Strathcona, Columbia-Shushwap, East Kootenay 8
Peace River, Comox Valley, Cariboo, Central Kootenay 6
Okanagan-Simikameen, Cowichan Valley, North Okanagan, Fraser-Fort George 4
Thompson-Nicola, Nanaimo, Central Okanagan 2
Capital, Fraser Valley 2
Greater Vancouver 0
Maximum Score Available 10

1) 工作经验

Directly Related Work Experience in the Occupation of B.C. Job Offer Points
5+ years 15
4 to 5 years 12
3 to 4 years 9
2 to 3 years 6
1 to 2 years 3
Less than 1 year 1
None 0
Bonus points:  
At least 1 year of directly related experience in Canada 10
Maximum Score Available 25

2) 教育程度

Education Points
Doctoral or Master’s degree 17
Post Graduate Certificate or Diploma 11
Bachelor’s degree 11
Trades certification 11
Associate Degree 4
Non-trades certification or Diploma 2
High School 0
Bonus points:  
Post-secondary education completed in B.C 8
Post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside of B.C.) 6
Edcation Credential Assessment from a qualified supplier 4
Trades certification assessment from the Industry Training Authority 4
Maximum Score Available 25


Canadian Language Benchmark Level Points
10+ 30
9 26
8 22
7 18
6 14
5 10
4 6
Below 4 0
No test 0
Maximum Score Available 30

BC PNP 设立了最低邀请分数。

Category Registration Score
Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker 135
Skills Immigration – International Graduate 105
Skills Immigration – Entry Level Semi Skilled 95
Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker 135
Express Entry BC – International Graduate 105